Did you know...
A new grab and go prepared foods shop recently opened at Preston and Forest in north Dallas. And guess what? The entire menu is plant based!
The store is called Nature’s Plate and yours truly will be presenting there on three different nutrition topics next month:
September 13th at 6:30 pm: Myths and Truths of Fad Diets
September 19th at 6:30 pm: Fabulous and Fascinating Fiber
September 26th at 6:30 pm: Fatty Acids Rock!
Please join me for these free 20 minute sessions and experience the deliciousness that Nature’s Plate has to offer.
11811 Preston Road #101 - Hope to see you there.
Check out Nature’s Plate at https://naturesplate.biz/ or on Instagram @naturesplate
Almost forgot!!! See below for a new taco recipe great for these enduring hot summer nights. Enjoy!